Legal Services

Car Accidents

Truck Accidents

Medical Malpractice

Slip & Fall

Social Security


Estate Planning

Salon & Spa Injury
We’ll Fight For Right!
Do you have questions? We’ve got answers!
We will get you the compensation you deserve!
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Common Questions?
The more information our team has, the quicker we will be able to protect you and bring your claims to a conclusion. One word that each team member knows is not allowed to be used in our office is, “wait.” Waiting is falling into the hands of the insurance company’s vice-grip plan after you are injured. They know waiting is their best friend.
Any information, photos, insurance policies, statements, bills, accident reports, and anything else that will help support your claim is important to bring with you at the first appointment. Our team works to obtain all the necessary information. The more information you provide us, the easier it is to jump-start helping you. Our team will also establish several contact points to ensure the timely sharing of information so that no roadblocks come between you and your claim. Routine appointments with Dan and an open line of communication are established at the first meeting.
At the first meeting, you are introduced to contact personnel with whom you may communicate when Dan is unavailable.
If you have any family who will be helping you throughout your medical recovery and our representation, you are welcome to bring them so we can all be introduced. With your permission, they may be part of our open line of communication.
Often, people will stop by our office without an appointment just to ask questions. We always work to make time to answer any questions. Later, we introduce the process of what is needed to keep the ball rolling.
We understand the impact of intrusion into your life of harm, loss, and injury. It is unwanted, uninvited, and not needed. Whether you have a briefcase full of records or just the clothes on your back, we will work with you to help you through this complex process. We will also provide you with a system to keep all the records we need and to stay in touch.
Insurance companies and defense attorneys diligently inquire into all that we do. As a result, we have only provided hints on our website about parts of our unique system designed with the sole focus of protecting you.
At your first appointment, we provide you with methods and guidelines based on extensive research by multiple groups and organizations. They are specifically designed to fit our individualized system. We will simplify that information to help us work together over the time it takes to restore your losses.
Dan’s traveling the country, speaking at lawyer seminars, making acquaintances with lawyers and others around the United States, and his thirty-five years of hands-on experience representing thousands of injured persons and families, has brought all that together for you.
As we continue our representation, we will gently introduce more of our system. This will help us work together, in step, like a Swiss watch.
At the end of our first meeting, you will be secure in the understanding that you are protected by our legal team. You will know that your team is representing you at the highest level possible.
A week rarely goes by when we don’t meet with someone who first went to an attorney they saw on TV, heard on the radio, or saw on a number of large billboards. They tell us they never saw the person on the advertisement but were handed off to some very young puppy lawyer. They express deep disappointment with the failure of the advertisements to meet their expectations. When they speak to someone our office has helped, we welcome the opportunity of personally helping them.
For example, some advertisements are by large law firms who recently moved to our area. They plaster the roadways with billboards. Recent movers to our area are here solely to expand their business. Many are quick to advertise with catchy phrases and dramatic advertisements. Yet they are never involved in handling the case and never know the client. They hand them off to “puppy lawyers” to settle your case as soon as possible, in order to pay for the billboards.
In some cases, the lawyer on the billboard will be at the first meeting, but the client will never see nor hear from that lawyer again.
Some advertisements are by lawyers who claim to sue drunk drivers. Potential clients soon learn this is just a sales gimmick.
When asked about Dan, potential clients learn that he is the only attorney in Northwest Florida who established the Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) Chapter from his office in 1992. Up until that point, there was no MADD chapter between Jacksonville, Florida and Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Dan incorporated and organized this Chapter in part to help his clients, parents who lost their only son to a drunk driver, help others. This MADD chapter has continued and expanded to cover many counties in Northwest Florida and is still active today.
Dan has lived locally for over sixty years and practiced law here for thirty-five years. He works hands-on with every person and family his team represents.
To protect you from the insurance industry and defense lawyers, the specifics of our program are introduced to you over the time of your actual representation. We have even had representatives from insurance industries pose as potential clients at an initial free consultation. They do this to try to obtain as much information from us as they can. They never return for a follow-up.
Through our broad-brush approach, we hope you are able to appreciate our extensive work focusing on every detail of protecting you through our individualized system.
We hope you understand that in order to be The Champion it will require your full attention, communication, and to work closely with your legal team.
Please remember this system was developed throughout over thirty-five years of legal practice while representing thousands of injured persons and families. The system was formulated by speaking to and learning from many other attorneys around the United States and even insurance company executives.